Create bank-ready payroll files with a cost-effective ERP solution

morouna is a cloud-based ERP solution that automates payroll file generation for SMEs and provides useful payroll insights.

Assign different payments conditions for your employees, track their regular fees as well as their one-time bonuses and penalties, and after all generate your banking transaction files in just one click!

Try morouna for free

Designed with SMEs in mind

Fully compliant for peace of mind

We are fully compliant with the Saudi Labor Law so you can stop worrying about compliance, and start focusing on things that truly matter.

Flexible payment plans

Get the most value for your money with our payment plans. Most SMEe have big ambitions but not-so-big budgets. We get it and we’ve got you covered.

Friendly user interface

Morouna is designed to be a user-friendly payroll tool that anyone can use. Even if you’re not an accountant, you’ll start generating those bank ready payroll files easy and fast.

Life with morouna

morouna automates most of employees' payments management tasks,
such as regular salaries and hourly rated fees,
and makes monthly payroll process more simpler

Click to find out what morouna can do

workflow scheme export Created with Sketch. once in lifetime Set up your business account for each new employee Add employees information for auto payments Set up employees contracts manually Add bonuses and penalties, edit payments automatic Regular fee and salary auto payments once for payroll period Run payroll process for your bank workflow scheme mobile Created with Sketch. once in lifetime Set up your business account for each new employee Add employees information for auto payments Set up employees contracts manually Add bonuses and penalties, edit payments once for payroll period Run payroll process for your bank automatic Regular fee and salary payments

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